Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Analysis and modeling of substrate noise coupling for NMOS transistors in heavily doped substrates

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  • This thesis examines substrate noise coupling for NMOS transistors in heavily doped substrates. The study begins with the analysis of an NMOS transistor switching noise in a digital inverter at the device level. A resistive substrate network for the NMOS transistor is proposed and verified. Coupling between N+- P+ contacts is compared both qualitatively and quantitatively with simulations. The difference between the N-P and P-P coupling is in the cross-coupling parameter. A new N-P model, which requires only five parameters, is proposed by taking advantage of an existing P-P model combined with the concept of a virtual separation. This model has been validated up to 2GHz with Medici simulations. The virtual separation concept has been validated with 2D/3D simulations and measurements from test structures fabricated in a 0.35μm TSMC CMOS heavily doped process. This model is useful when transistor switching noise is the dominant source of substrate noise. Applications of the new N-P model are demonstrated with circuit simulations.
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