Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A cooperative work experience approach to in-service staff development for selected community colleges

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  • The major purpose of this research was to study the in-service programs for community college vocational instructors, and develop guidelines for a cooperative work experience approach to in-service staff development. The specific objectives of the study were: (1) To develop a research instrument capable of measuring the agreement relative to a cooperative work experience approach to in-service staff development. (2) To establish value priorities for a cooperative work experience approach to in-service staff development of vocational instructors at the community college. (3) To establish agreement regarding organizational procedures for a cooperative work experience approach to in-service staff development for vocational instructors at community colleges. (4) To develop guidelines that incorporate objectives two and three above in an in-service program. Objective one was met by conducting a survey of the literature and listing statements concerning a cooperative work experience approach to in-service staff development for community college vocational instructors. A jury panel evaluated and refined the statements that were used as an interview checklist. The sample consisted of an in-service coordinator, vocational instructor, and employer selected to represent each of the five community colleges in Oregon, and the five in Alberta used for this study. The second objective was realized through the study of the literature, and a two-way analysis of variance F statistic. Present in-service programs are of lower value than a cooperative work experience in-service program. Overall group means indicated very high agreement as to the value and relevance of using cooperative in-service activities to provide for professional growth. To accomplish the third objective, the degree of agreement with each statement by the three groups was analyzed, and the pertinent comments made by the interviewees considered. The basic organization and operating procedures of vocational work experience programs may be used for conducting cooperative in-service activities. The data and comments gave strong support for using cooperative in-service activities. Objective four was met, as was objective three, and the following items should be considered when developing a cooperative in- service program: (1) Professional development must be the primary purpose of cooperative in-service programs. (2) The in-service coordinator is a key factor. (3) A written professional development plan is a must. (4) In-service activities must be learning experiences.
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