Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Density currents induced by freezing in a shallow polar ocean : some heuristic models

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  • An ice cover which progrades over a shallow ocean in the form of an ice front may induce a baroclinic flow in the underlying water, provided that the brine excluded from the freezing surface layer is mixed rapidly through out the underlying water column. A series of models are developed to gain insight into the significance of this process in an initially motionless ocean and of its interaction with a pre-established circulation. For a simplified case, the near-surface flow rate is of the order of 2 cm sec⁻¹ and directed to the east in the northern Hemisphere. The volume transport under the ice front and assuming a typical depth of 100 m, is about 0.1 Sverdrup. However, for the case of an interaction with pre-existing circulation, and in particular with a circular motion, higher speeds of the induced currents may be expected. It might be concluded that the process may play a significant role in winter circulation in shallow marginal polar seas, where a winter pycnocline is absent.
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