Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Dynamic System Scaling Application to Accelerated Nuclear Fuel Testing

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  • The development of nuclear fuel and materials requires is a continuous effort to investigate the acute and prolonged effects of irradiation, thermal-material stress, chemical change, or other conceivable damage mechanics acquired during normal operation or accident scenarios throughout its lifetime. As in-core fuel property measurement techniques advance to support in the real-time, non-invasive, and enhanced accuracy realm, it is the future of fuel development to pursue to higher degrees of control, predictability of integral test behavior via separate effects test (SET), and shorter test time intervals. The fuel development life cycle from initial concept to commercial licensing is approximated to be 20 years and current literature suggests by optimizing fuel performance codes with SETs, the process could possibly be compressed to 5 to 10 years. Recently, a research group in the Idaho National Laboratory is testing reduced scale fuel rods and increased power density to accelerate evolution of fuel phenomena in metallic fuels. In support of nuclear fuel rod development, compressing fuel test process, and accelerating fuel phenomena, it is the purpose of this study to investigate nuclear fuel performance phenomena via literature review and effectively scale the initial conditions, boundary conditions, and geometric properties to describe the time-dependent response including to fuel burnup, thermal and mechanical stress, transmutations and interdiffusion, and other relevant observed phenomena. The study is based on BISON simulations of historic EBR-II metallic fuel experiments and Dynamical System Scaling (DSS) method are utilized to assess effects of scaling activity including calculations of time-dependent distortions.
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  • Partially funded by NEUP IUP Fellowship.
Peer Reviewed



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