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  • The crawfish enterprise of South Louisiana is shown to haveexpanded as much as 18-fold since the 1950's. It is estimated(1973) that there are about 44,000 acres of managed crawfish ponds.Of the 334 ponds identified and mapped in the thesis, 231 are classedas open ponds, 45 as rice field ponds, and 58 as swamp ponds. Thetotal Louisiana harvest of crawfish is estimated to be about elevenmillion pounds annually valued at about $2. 2 million.The predominance of the crawfish enterprise and its locationswithin South Louisiana are correlated with the French LouisianaCulture areas. The thesis analysis is summarized in a system modelof the crawfish enterprise which visualizes the complexity and interrelationshipsbetween the pond bio-subsystem and the societal-economicsubsystem. In addition the thesis collates information on theecology of the crawfish in South Louisiana, includes original mapsof pond locations, and provides a comprehensive bibliography.Future expansion of pond acreage is envisioned but will belimited by availability of physically suitable sites. Increased crawfishproduction may also result from intensified pond management. However,increases in crawfish production and harvest, it is suggested,will depend upon further research leading to improvement of thecrustacean, especially for greater percentage of edible meat; developmentof markets for crawfish waste; research leading to moreefficient processing and longer shelf-keeping time; and a more stable,adequate price to provide the economic incentive.
  • The crawfish enterprise of South Louisiana is shown to haveexpanded as much as 18-fold since the 1950's. It is estimated(1973) that there are about 44
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