Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship of student teachers' work environment preference to verbal classroom behavior

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  • This investigation was designed to determine the relationship of student teachers' commitment to the set of values, attitudes, and behaviors that are characteristically fostered and rewarded by bureaucratic organizations and their verbal classroom behavior under actual teaching conditions, The purpose of the study was expressed by the formulation of an experimental hypothesis and ten specific null hypotheses. The instrument used to measure the degree of bureaucratic orientation of student teachers was Gordon's (1973) Work Environment Preference Schedule (WEPS). The verbal classroom behavior of student teachers under actual teaching conditions was assessed by means of the Flanders' Interaction Analysis System (FIAS, 1960). In addition, a brief demographic data sheet was given to the sample to collect personal data about each subject such as age, sex, undergraduate gradepoint average, size of school, subject taught, and number of professional affiliations. The scores of the WEPS were analyzed and the student teachers were assigned to either the high or low group of bureaucratic orientation. These results were then used in combination with the ten dependent variables of the verbal interaction behavior delineated by the FIAS. The relationships were tested for significance at the .05 level of confidence using Student's t-test. The findings of the study were: Under actual teaching conditions, there is no difference in the verbal classroom behavior of student teachers who profess to be unexposed to Flanders' Interaction Analysis System and who score high and low in bureaucratic orientation; this is also true of the verbal classroom behavior of their students. The verbal classroom behavior of student teachers, as measured by the FIAS, can not be predicted from bureaucratic orientation alone, as measured by the WEPS. It is recommended that supervisors of student teachers in teacher education programs employ the FIAS as a tool to aid the student teacher in the adjustment of his verbal classroom behavior. A follow-up study of the verbal and non-verbal classroom behavior of the subjects involved in this study who have become teachers is recommended. Additional recommendations for further research were offered in Chapter V of the study.
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