Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Inheritance of active and passive immune responses in sheep

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  • Six hundred sixteen ewes of six strains were inoculated twice with ovalbumin in Fruends' incomplete adjuvant in order to investigate genetic variation in immune response. Blood samples were collected from the ewes 6 days post-second injection. Serum samples were also collected from their 709 lambs, born in June 1984, between four and 30 hours of age, to examine genetic differences in ability of lambs to passively obtain anti-oval bumin anti bodies. Titers of anti-oval bumin antibodies were determined using kinetic Elisa techniques. Strain was not a significant source of variation in ewe active immune response, but sire within strain was highly significant. Age of ewe did not significantly affect anti-oval bumin anti body titer in al 1 ewes, but it did have a significant effect on the titer of only the pregnant ewes (P<.05). Heritabilities of anti-ovalbumin titer from a paternal half-sib analysis were .27 +/- .17 for all ewes and .57 +/- .25 for only pregnant ewes. The effect of strain of lamb on lamb's passive immunity against ovalbumin was significant only at P<.10, but sire within strain was a highly significant source of variation. The quadratic regression of lamb anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration on lamb's age at bleeding was significant (P<.05), with maximum titer for lambs bled at 18 hours of age. The size of the litter in which the lamb was born also had a highly significant effect on the lamb's passive immunity, with titer decreasing as litter isze increased. The heritability estimate for lambs' anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration determined by a paternal half-sib analysis. was .38 +/- .11, and from the sire variance component of a full-sib analysis it was .28 +/- .15. When lamb's passive titer was considered a maternal trait (dams nested within maternal grandsire within strain),the sire variance component was negative. The antibody concentration of lambs that died between bleeding and 120 days of age was significantly less than that of the entire population (P<.005).
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