Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A Framework of Comparing Privacy Policies for Smart Home Devices

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  • Smart home devices are becoming increasingly popular and by 2021, it is estimated to have 80 million devices in the households of the U.S. The privacy and security threats involved with devices, as a result, are also scaling up in recent years. Smart home cameras have been hacked, private conversations recorded via Alexa have been shared without users’ awareness, data recorded through smart TVs have been sold to third parties, and many more. Privacy policies are the place where information about data collection and handling practices are mentioned. Although prior research attempted to improve website privacy policies readability through various approaches such as creating labels, automation analysis tools, these fail to capture the sensitive details that are recorded in the IoT domain. Moreover, in-depth analysis on data handling practices have not been explored before. In this thesis, we develop a Privacy Framework, a method for analyzing the privacy policies of smart home devices. This framework specifically includes the information categories collected by smart home devices, how the companies handle users’ data as well as the informed choices they provide to end users. The framework captures policy information of three smart home devices (camera, lock, vacuum) spanning 20 company policies. To evaluate the privacy framework, we design a survey to understand users’ concerns about different data handling practices given an information category.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Pending Publication
Embargo date range
  • 2020-06-20 to 2021-07-20



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