Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effect of folk dancing upon reaction time and movement time of senior citizens

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  • With the neuromuscular performance deficit typically associated with aging, the maximum rate of response of the individual is diminished with advancing age. Physical activity has recently been examined as a possible factor delaying the aging process as it relates to neuromuscular performance. This investigation examined folk dancing as a potential modality for altering the speed of reaction and speed of movement of senior citizens. Forty subjects aged sixty to ninety-four were measured for reaction time and movement time using a simple movement of the right foot. Subjects were signaled to respond with a red light stimulus. Following the pre-test the experimental group, including eighteen females and two males, participated in a folk dance program. The dance program included instructional classes meeting twice a week for five weeks. The control group, which included eighteen females and two males, did not participate in dance classes. All subjects were remeasured after the five-week experimental period. Analysis of variance suggested that: a) five weeks of folk dance participation did not significantly influence simple reaction time of older individuals and b) five weeks of folk dance participation did not significantly influence movement time of older individuals.
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