Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Movement and abundance of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) in Yaquina Bay Estuary, Oregon: evidence for essential habitat designation

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  • Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) are known to utilize certain estuaries along the Pacific coast of the United States, but the importance of these habitats to the coast-wide population is not well understood. In this study, general patterns of estuarine habitat use were assessed by tracking the movement of sub-adult and adult lingcod in Yaquina Bay, Oregon with acoustic telemetry. Temporal changes in local abundance were surveyed at three sites using SCUBA. Lingcod tagged in the marine zone of the estuary exhibited high site fidelity but took frequent forays beyond the range of detection. These forays were aperiodic and did not appear to correlate with fluctuations in temperature or salinity. Only 2 of 10 lingcod captured and released within the bay exhibited movement between the two stationary listening posts approximately 1.5 kilometers apart. From July 2004 to March 2005 sampled lingcod abundance was similar at three sites within Yaquina Bay. However, a decline in abundance was observed from summer to winter. Evidence of lingcod spawning in Yaquina Bay was observed in January.
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