Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Scalable Array Transceivers with Wide Frequency Tuning Range for Next Generation Radios

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  • Scalable array transceivers with wide frequency tuning range are attractive for next-generationradios. Key challenges for such radios include generation of LO signals with widefrequency tuning range, scalable synchronization between multiple array unit cells andtolerance to in-band and out-of-band interferers. This thesis presents approaches toaddress these challenges in commercial CMOS technologies.The first part focuses on a series resonant mode-switching VCO architecture thatachieves both state-of-art area and power efficiency with an octave frequency tuningrange from 6.4-14 GHz achieved 186-dB-188-dB Figure-of-Merit (FoM) in 65 nm CMOStechnology. The scalability of this approach towards achieving even larger FTR is alsodemonstrated by a triple-mode 2.2 GHz to 8.7 GHz (119% FTR) CMOS VCO.In the second part a scalable, single-wire coupled-PLL architecture for RF mm-wavearrays is presented. The proposed architecture preserves the simplicity of a daisy-chained LO distribution, compensates for phase offset due to interconnect, and provides phasenoise improvement commensurate to the number of coupled PLLs. Measurements on a28 GHz CMOS prototype demonstrate the feasibility of this scheme.The third part of this thesis presents filtering techniques for in-band blocker suppression.A spatial spectral notch filter design for MIMO digital beam forming arrays is proposedto relax the ADC dynamic range requirement. Orthogonal properties of Walsh functionsincorporated into passive N-path approach enables reconfigurable notches at multiplefrequencies and angles-of-incidence. A 0.3 GHz-1.4 GHz four-element array prototypeimplemented in 65 nm CMOS achieves > 15-dB notch filtering at RF input for twoblockers while causing < 3-dB NF degradation.Finally, a code-domain N-path receiver (RX) is proposed based on pseudo-random(PN) code-modulated LO pulses for simultaneous transmission and reception (STAR)applications. A combination of Walsh-Function and PN sequence is proposed to createcode-domain matched filter at the RF frontend which reflects unknown in-band blockersand rejects known in-band TX self-interference (SI) by using orthogonal codes at RXinput thereby maximizing the SNR of the received signals. The resulting prototype in65 nm is functional from 0.3 GHz-1.4 GHz with 35 dB gain and concurrently receivestwo code-modulated signals. Proposed transmitter (TX) SI mitigation approach resultsin 38.5 dB rejection for -11.8 dBm 1.46 Mb s QPSK modulated SI at RX input. TheRX achieves 23.7 dBm OP1dB for in-band SI, while consuming ∼35 mW and occupies0.31 mm2
  • Keywords: Passive Mixers, dual band, TX self-Interferer, synchronisation, STAR, Code domain N-path receiver, mode switching, notch filter, Phase locked loops, Octave tuning range, CMOS, phase noise, VCO, large-scale 5G mm-wave arrays, resonator, Simultaneous transmit and receive, resonator band-switching, LO distribution, scalable coupled-PLL, N-path passive mixers, MIMO arrays, digital beamforming, CDMA, phased arrays, wide tuning range, Walsh Function
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