Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Bioremediation of low-permeability, pentachlorophenol-contaminated soil by laboratory and full-scale processes

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  • Ex-situ bioremediation of saturated soil contaminated with pentachlorophenol and 2,3,5,6-TeCP is commonly accomplished by landfarming or by treatment in a bioreactor. Treating saturated, low-permeability soils in bioreactors, without pre-treatment requires a reactor capable of promoting anaerobic and/or aerobic removal of chlorophenols without transferring these contaminants to the aqueous phase. A pilot-scale bioreactor was designed to treat 3.7 cubic meters of contaminated soil with a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 0.12 cm/day. The bioreactor demonstrated significant removal of chlorophenols when soil was infused with a treatment mixture containing imitation vanilla flavoring as an electron donor for reductive dechlorination and primary substrate for aerobic cometabolism. Bench scale studies showed greater overall removal when feed mixtures included an inoculated biomass, or when treatment mixtures were maintained anaerobically prior to use. The combined results of these studies suggest that concentrations of pentachlorophenol and 2,3,5,6-TeCP in soil can be significantly reduced using fill and draw batch reactors, operated for three to five week long cycles, using a variety of treatment mixtures.
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