Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Relationship of anxiety level and performance in NAIA intercollegiate basketball games

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  • Five NAIA intercollegiate men's basketball teams and 53 players served as subjects to determine the role pre-game anxiety played in basketball game performance. The study involved four games in which Western Oregon State College competed against other small colleges in Oregon during the 19 -81 season. Performance in basketball was ascertained by field goal percentage, free throw percentage, turnovers per minute played and personal fouls per minute played. Twelve hypotheses were established to determine the effect played on basketball perfOrmance, the impact of playing time, and the effect of being a game starter or non-starter. A review of literature revealed little factual data to indicate that high levels of anxiety lead to poor performance in athletic competition. Spielberger (112) developed the State-Trait Anxiety inventory which assessed both state and trait anxietyRainer Martens' (65-72) work served as the guiding and directing source of information. Two inventories measuring trait and state anxiety were administered to the players one -half hour prior to the intercollegiate games. The relationship between the anxiety level of NAIA basketball players and their performance in games indicated no significant levels. Players who possessed high levels of pre-game anxiety were apparently able to dissipate it once the game began, not reflecting the anxiety in their performance. Turnovers per minute was the basketball performance indicator most consistently affected by anxiety, reaching significant levels in the following situations: 1. Players who participated over 20 minutes. 2. In the relationship between the length of time played, number of personal fouls and turnovers. 3. Game starters with anxiety represented by one test item and non-starters by seven test items. 4. All players with anxiety represented by five different test items. It was suggested that further study of anxiety involve NCAA programs, other sports, other physical environments, other age groups, women's programs, the effect of the anxiety level of coaches, and determining what level of anxiety is optimal for player success in intercollegiate basketball.
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