Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Experiencing service-learning in prison

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  • The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of incarcerated women who participated in a service-learning program to help the homeless. Service-learning is effective pedagogy for involving students in civic engagement, and their involvement has been shown to increase the self-esteem of participating college students. This study looked for similar impacts on incarcerated women. This study used three data collection methods with an existing service-learning program in Coffee Creek Woman's Correctional Facility to look at the essence of incarcerated women's shared experience of being in prison and participating in a service-learning program. Three research questions were the basis for the study: (a) What are the lived experiences of incarcerated women participating in the Coffee Creek Sock Drive? (b) How did their attitudes and perceptions of the homeless, volunteer work, or program involvement change because of their participation? (c) In what ways, if any, did the incarcerated women's perceptions of themselves change? How do they perceive themselves as a result of participating in this program? Did they experience any shift in self-esteem? The data revealed seven predominant themes. These themes were: 1. Civic engagement and connection to the community a. Frustration with the government’s lack of help for the homeless 2. Increased knowledge about the topic of homelessness and the four agency partners that led to a shift in attitude about the homeless 3. Gratitude for what they have 4. Pride in being able to give back to the community/Public perception 5. Sadness and empathy for the homeless 6. Personal growth through self-reflection 7. Enjoyment and excitement The themes were interpreted and supported by the related literature. The three research questions were also considered with related literature. This study gave voice to the incarcerated women who participated and supported their ability to contribute to the literature. The implications of this study may impact future service-learning programs for students in nontraditional education facilities. It may inform correctional facilities' educational programs as well as established service-learning programs.
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