Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Ultrafiltration of grape juice by hollow fiber membranes

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  • The feasibility of using hollow fiber ultrafi1tration for clarification, stabilization and preservation of white grape juice was evaluated. Flux and process parameters of a hollow fiber membrane ultrafi1tration unit (Romicon pilot scale, model FXS-MXII), were studied using white Riesling grape juice. Optimum processing conditions were determined for different nominal membrane molecular weight cut-off values. The effect of cut-off value changes on viscosity, pectin retention, pH, sugar content, titratable acidity, haze reduction and color were evaluated. Optimum conditions for processing were nominal membrane molecular weight cut-off = 50,000, temperature = 50°C, inlet pressure = 1.75 Kg/cm², outlet pressure = 1.40 Kg/cm², permeate flux = 72.57 L/M²-H. Concentration polarization and fouling of the membrane increased with feed juice viscosity and were limiting factors in permeation rate. A 93% retention of pectins was achieved and haze reduction was in the range of 91-93%. Sugar content, pH, titratable acidity, and color were not affected for any of the nominal membrane molecular weight cut-off values.
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