Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of dietary fluoride on selenite toxicity in the rat

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  • Two factorial experiments were conducted to determine if high dietary fluoride would inhibit selenite toxicity in rats. In each study, two levels of selenite (0.05 and 5 mg/kg diet) were matched against two levels of fluoride (1 and 150 mg/kg diet) for either 6 or 8 weeks. Fluoride failed to prevent the depressive effect of selenite on food intake and body weight gain in either study. Although liver selenium concentration was slightly (15%) but significantly (P < 0.005) reduced when the highest fluoride and selenium level were combined in the first study, this effect could not be repeated. These three measures therefore failed to provide evidence for a fluoride and selenium interaction. Fluoride, however, prevented hepatic necrosis seen in most of the selenite-toxic rats. Hepatic lesions seen histologically in selenite-toxic rats were not observed for either kidney or heart. With regard to a possible mechanism for the fluoride effect upon selenite liver pathology, fluoride partially (26%) but significantly (P < 0.025) reduced thiobarbituricreactive substances (an indicator of peroxidative cell membrane damage) in selenite-toxic rats, but there was no fluoride effect on an enzyme system (liver xanthine oxidase) that potentially could generate an initiator of lipid peroxidation. In agreement with results of others, fluoride deposition into bone was inconsistently affected by selenite, Overall, the protective effect of fluoride on selenite toxicity appears to be confined to liver pathology. The exact mechanism for this effect, however, remains unclear.
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