Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Rapid calibration of coastal streams to detect effects of roadbuilding

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  • This study data from the Alsea Watershed Study located approximately ten miles from the Pacific Ocean in the Oregon Coast Range. The purpose was to evaluate the effects of roadbuilding on storm flows in two experimental streams. One 138 acre watershed, Deer Creek II, was subjected to 3.5 percent treatment (roadbuilding); the other, Deer Creek III, has an area of 100 acres and received 6.7 percent treatment. A rapid calibration method based upon individual storm hydrographs was selected to evaluate the effect of roadbuilding. This method of calibration was chosen because: 1) only 2.5 years were available prior to treatment; 2) there were temporary losses of record; and 3) a relatively sensitive method of detecting change was needed. The parameters examined in this method are time-to-peak, height-of-rise, and peak discharge of the storm hydrograph. Every storm hydrograph was examined in the 2.5 year pre-treatment period and in the one year post-treatment period. The three parameters were obtained from all acceptable storm hydrographs. Regression was used to develop a relationship between the three parameters on Deer Creek II and III and the three corresponding parameters on Flynn Creek (control). Analyses of covariance were used to determine the significance of changes in slope and elevation of the regression lines. Significant changes were detected in time-to-peak and height-of rise on Deer Creek II, while significant changes were detected in height-of-rise and peak discharge on Deer Creek III. The changes observed were related to roadbuilding and storm size.
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