Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Oregon school district reorganization 1957-64 and implications for improvement

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  • Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research was to present a documentary analysis of school district reorganization in Oregon during the period from August 2O, 1957, to July 1, 1964, and to develop a plan for further school district reorganization for Oregon. The major elements of this study were: 1. To describe the progress and present status of school district organization in Oregon from August 20, 1957, to July 1, 1964.2. To set forth criteria for effective school districts in Oregon. 3. To apply the criteria of an effective school district to a districting system for Oregon. Procedures: This research study reviewed the progress of school district reorganization from 1957 to 1964 under the original and amended 1957Reorganization Act enacted by the Oregon legislature. The statistical data and much of the information needed were gathered from reports on file in the office of the State Department of Education. The final recommendation for further school district reorganization submitted by the county reorganization committees were reaffirmed by each county superintendent through personal contact by the writer. Criteria for effective school districts in Oregon developed from a study of the literature are: 1. Each district should provide both elementary and secondary education. 2. The educational program should provide for both academic and vocational education. 3. Special programs, such as special education, kindergarten, and adult education should be provided, as needed. 4. Consideration should be given to the physical and social needs of the youth of the community. 5. An enrollment in excess of 1, 000 students should be maintained consistent with population density and geographical limitations. 6. Ample transportation should be provided to prevent pupils from spending an excessive amount of time going to and from school. It should be kept in mind that elementary and secondary students may share the same bus. 7. A central office staff should be provided that can give assistance and leadership necessary for the operation of an effective educational program and efficient administrative services. 8. There should be the greatest possible equalization of financial resources. 9. The boundaries of a district should be coterminous with or exceed the corporate boundaries of a community to avoid possible social and economic conflict. The projection of a state-wide districting system was based on three major factors: 1. The final recommendations for school district reorganization within the counties by the county reorganization committees, 2. Criteria for effective school districts, and 3. Conformance with school district reorganization statutes and subsequent amendments. Findings: 1. Oregon school districts have a wide range of ability to finance an acceptable educational program. 2. Oregon school districts vary in organization and classification. 3. Oregon school districts vary widely in average daily membership. Recommendations: 1. That all area in the state of Oregon be included in school districts providing both elementary and secondary education. 2. That each district should have an enrollment in excess of1, 000 students consistent with population density and geographical limitations. 3. That there should be the greatest possible equalization of financial resources, 4. That the financial structure for school district support be studied. 5. That a guide be developed to assist local school officials in reorganizing and developing the educational program and staff services to make most effective use of the resources available should the proposed districting system for Oregon recommended in this investigation be implemented.
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