Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Influence of ethylene treatments or ethephon dips on bulbous iris forcing

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  • A series of 3 experiments was conducted from 1984 to 1986 to determine the influence of ethylene gas treatments and ethephon [(2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid] dips, in combination with several heat curing durations, on the performance of greenhouse-forced Blue Ribbon and Ideal iris. In the first study which examined the effects of ethylene gas concentration and heat curing duration, a treatment consisting of 7 days of heat curing preceded by exposure of the bulbs to either 8 or 80 ppm ethylene resulted in the shortest greenhouse phase for both cultivars. Average blooming date was reduced from 116 days (untreated check) to 69 days (treated bulbs) with Blue Ribbon and from 65 days to 51 days with Ideal. In the second study which examined effects of ethephon dip and heat curing duration, an ethephon (0.5 g a.i./l) dip for 1 hour before 7 days of heat curing with Blue Ribbon or 3 days with Ideal significantly decreased the length of time required for greenhouse forcing. Compared to untreated checks, the average flowering date of Ideal was 15 days earlier, while Blue Ribbon bloomed 21 days earlier. These same ethylene or ethephon treatments, generally, led to a favorable reduction of sprouting time, leaf number per plant, and leaf height. Treatment with either growth regulator increased total flowering percentage, because of a reduction of blindness. Results showed that ethylene or ethrel can be used to improve forcing of bulbous iris grown in the Pacific Northwest. In a third experiment bulbs from several size categories were evaluated. Ethylene and ethephon treatments were compared, and several heat curing durations were used. Treatments were based on results of the first two experiments. Regardless of bulb size, flowering percentage increased and the greenhouse period decreased when ethylene at 80 ppm followed by 3 days of high temperature were applied to the bulbs of either cultivar, or when an ethephon dip for 1 hour prior to 3 days of heat in Ideal and 6 days in Blue Ribbon were used. These treatments resulted in optimal combinations for all variables evaluated.
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