Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Differences in burnout among Oregon high school basketball coaches within categories of selected variables

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  • The central focus of this study was to determine the differences in perceived burnout among Oregon high school basketball coaches when grouped by selected demographic and job related variables. Findings helped achieve a better understanding of the individual and organizational variables that either promote or reduce the occurrence of burnout among high school coaches. A random sample of 204 varsity basketball coaches responded to a two part research instrument consisting of a demographic data sheet and the Maslach Burnout inventory (MBI). The major measuring instrument, the MBI, provided a measure of perceived burnout in terms of the frequency and intensity of Emotional Exhaustion. Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment. Coaches were grouped according to the following demographic and job related variables: 1. age, 2. sex, 3. school size, 4. sex of team coached, 5. number of years at present job, 6. total number of years in the coaching field, 7. additional coaching responsibilities, 8. extent of teaching responsibilities, 9. hours per week devoted to basketball during the season, 10. weeks per year devoted to basketball during the off-season, 11. winning percentage, 12. perceived adequacy of the basketball budget. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance was conducted for each demographic variable serving as the independent variable and the burnout factors serving as the dependent variables. Where there was an overall significant difference across groups, the univariate F ratios were examined to determine which burnout measures contributed to these differences. Findings did not support the hypothesis that significant differences in perceived burnout exist among Oregon high school basketball coaches when grouped by the selected demographic and job related variables. Additionally, mean scores for the burnout subscales indicated low to moderate levels of burnout when all demographic categories were compared against normative data.
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