Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The impact of extended fisheries jurisdiction on global fishery markets : the case of Alaska pollock from the U.S. West Coast

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  • The increased US domestic production of surimi from the US Pacific Coast after 1977 is a major consequence of the US's extended fisheries jurisdiction to 200 nautical miles. It is only one consequence, however, whose nature can best be understood by examining the surimi market in the context of what happened to fish production and marketing on a global basis, following the extended fisheries jurisdiction worldwide. The objective of this thesis is to analyze what effect, if any, the global extension of fisheries jurisdiction had on the production, prices and markets for fish, in which the surimi market is considered to be representative of what occurred globally. The analysis is a preliminary "case study" of the broader phenomenon in testing econometrically the hypothesis that Extended Fisheries Jurisdiction (EFJ) increased the potential for new product forms from existing stocks, led to greater levels of global interdependence in seafood markets and, even with little or no change in total harvest, resulted in increased prices. In theory, price changed due to a change in the availability to the surimi markets of fish traditionally used in surimi production and the appearance of some value added products in the market. The results reported in this thesis show that there is not enough statistical evidence to make conclusions about the specific sources of changes in the surimi market prices, after the EFJ, but support the idea that the EFJ did have a significant and gradual impact on the Alaska pollock fishery.
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