Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Evaluation of finite element techniques for soil reinforcement applications

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  • A literature review and a computer study are conducted to identify the requirements of finite element programs for the specific use of discrete analyses of reinforced soil structures. The utility of six commercially available programs are appraised with respect to the identified requirements. The results of the study are directed to engineers and engineering students who wish to analyze reinforced soil structures and choose to utilize an available program for the analyses, instead of writing a special finite element program. Three structures--a retaining wail, an embankment, and a strip footing are analyzed utilizing the SAP V, NONSAP, and ANSYS computer programs to study the effects of slippage and compression of the reinforcement. Also, effects of material models used and program differences on analyses of reinforced soil structures are considered. Special modeling techniques for slippage, sequential construction, and limitation of the tensile strength of soils for use in programs that do not offer direct methods for these factors are also investigated. Capabilities cf the ANSYS, NONSAP, REA, SAP V, STARDYNE, and STRUDL programs, which may be desired for analyses of reinforced soil structures, are tabulated and an example is presented to aid in the selection of a program for analysis of a particular structure. Conclusions of this study indicate that specific requirements of reinforced soil structures, such as slippage and the three-dimensional effects of strip reinforcing, greatly hinder the utility of generally available programs for use in analyses.
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