Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effects of sire breed on growth, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of cross-bred lambs slaughtered at three weights

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  • This study examined the effects of sire breed and weight on the performance of 117 crossbred wether lambs born at the Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Corvallis. Lambs were produced by mating Clun Forest,Polypay, Dorset, Border Leicester, and Suffolk sires to Columbia-type ewes. After weaning at approximately 90 days of age (34 kg), the lambs were separated into two groups for experimentation, 1) 30 individually fed, and 2) 87 group fed lambs. Both groups were fed similar diets. Individually fed lambs were slaughtered at 57 kg live weight. Group fed lambs were randomly assigned live weights of 43, 50, and 57 kg. Average daily gain (ADG) and carcass data were collected from both groups; feed per unit of gain (F/G) was also collected from the individually fed group. Lambs produced by the five sire breeds were similar for ADG and F/G. Differences were found among sire breeds for some carcass traits: loin-eye area (P<.05), leg conformation score (P<.05), flank streaking (P<.10), and USDA quality grade (P<.10). Weight increase greatly affected ADG (P<.05), F/G (P<.01), and carcass traits (P<.01). ADG decreased, F/G increased, and indicators of fat deposition and muscling increased with increases in body weight. It was determined that any of the five sire breeds evaluated would be acceptable for use as terminal sires in commercial crossbred lamb production, although combined F/G, ADG, and carcass traits were most desirable in Suffolk-sired lambs and least desirable in Polypayand Border Leicester-sired lambs. Weight had the greatest effect on all performance traits studied.
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