Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The development and authentication of the Parker Unified Motivational and Learning Theories Model

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  • The purpose of the study was to develop a schematic model that would make motivation and learning theories more comprehensible to beginning theory students by providing a common method of displaying and integrating theories in such a way that they could claim a mutual language and could be examined and compared so as to further the basic understanding of their processes. Design of Study In the beginning a committee selected five representative theorists to use as authenticating factors for the model. It was assumed that if these five authorities' theories could be adequately representated on the PUMaLT Model (Parker Unified Motivational and Learning Theories Model), then other learning and motivation theories could also be successfully plotted on the model. A questionnaire committee was employed to guarantee the quality of the original questionnaire. They offered input on the individual questions, as well as the entire questionnaire format. The PUMaLT Model itself was developed and authenticated through the use of a selected Delphi panel. Panel members reacted to four rounds of the Delphi technique in accomplishing this task. Analysis of Study The end result was a visual schematic model upon which learning and motivation theories could be plotted, thus enabling the comparison and analysis of theories heretofore impossible. The completed model encompassed the various processes that take place during the learning-motivation cycle. This had the effect of unifying the language of the various theories. Recommendations More theories need to be plotted on the PUMaLT Model in an effort to translate them into the processes to which these theories refer. Some theories need further clarification in order to be accurately displayed on the model. It was suggested by the Delphi panel that annual learning symposiums be established to further analyze and plot learning and motivation theories according to the PUMaLT Model. Accuracy of the translations could be improved if the original theorists could attend these symposiums.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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