Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Cable dynamics in an ocean environment

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  • The nonlinear dynamic analysis of cable and cable-large body systems subject to both deterministic and non-deterministic loading is presented in this study. Nonlinearities occur due to large displacements, material nonlinearity, lack of stiffness in compression, and the non-conservative fluid loading. A finite element model is used to model the cable and rigid motions of the large body. The linearized incremental equations of motion for both linear elastic and viscoelastic materials are derived. Solution procedures for both static and dynamic analyses are presented. A wake-oscillator model is used to model cable strumming effects: transverse motions of the cable are assumed to be small compared to the in-line displacements and the transverse frequency is much higher than the in-line frequency. The computational procedure for the prediction of cable strumming using a mode-superposition technique is given. The stochastic response of the cable system is analyzed in the frequency domain. Cable vibrations were assumed to be small displacement about the static configuration. The nonlinear fluid drag force is linearized by a least square method. The linearized equation of motions are decoupled by a method proposed by Foss (1958). Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the validity and the capability of the finite element models and the proposed numerical techniques.
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