Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The determination and characterization of preferred orientation and the elastic anisotropy of rolled copper sheet

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  • Relatively simple methods are developed for obtaining discreet orientation characterization of preferred orientation from x-ray diffraction-determined pole figure data. It is demonstrated how this information, along with the single crystal elastic constants, can be used to calculate Young's modulus as a function of sheet direction. Computer programs are developed for the application of these methods and also for pole figure plotting. The textural characteristics of heavily cold rolled copper are evaluated and compared with the results of other investigators. Curves relating the variation of Young's modulus with direction in the sheet are calculated with the Voigt average, the Reuss average, and the Hill approximation. These are essentially parallel to curves obtained experimentally from tensile test data with the experimental values falling slightly below the values calculated with the Hill approximation. The possible effect of grain shape and dislocation arrangement on the anisotropy is also explored. A method utilizing textural symmetry is developed for establishing the defocusing correction necessary for the x-ray analysis used in the determination of the pole figures. Sample material identical to that used for the pole figures is employed, and this avoids certain difficulties associated with textureless specimen procedures. The new method is compared with earlier methods, and factors affecting defocusing are evaluated.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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