Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Transmitter power requirements of optical and radio communication systems

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  • The recent development of the laser has made possible communications with a beam of coherent light. Since coherent light offers great advantages over radio in the areas of beam directivity and information capacity, optical communication systems have been proposed for many uses. The first section of this thesis gives a phenomological description of laser operation. A short summary is then given of the characteristics of presently available lasers. The third section includes an extensive discussion of the requirements of optical communication systems using both laser and conventional sources. Using the information contained in the first section of the thesis, calculations are made concerning the required transmitter power to maintain communications with both radio and optical systems. Where possible, the proposed optical systems are compared with existing radio systems. It is found that, in general, the laser systems offer no significant power advantage over radio systems despite the higher directivity of the optical antennas. Consequently, the largest demand for laser communication systems will occur when it is necessary to transmit extremely large information rates.
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