Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study to develop a career education component for teacher education students

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  • This study, dealing with the concept of career education, was undertaken to: 1) develop a multi-media career education component for Phase I of the undergraduate teacher education program at Oregon State University. 2) measure the effect of that component on selected students. 3) compare their responses with students who had not worked with the component. 4) compare those two groups' responses with the responses of a sample of national educators who had recommended the content of the career education component. This comparative study utilized three groups. The first, (E₁) experimental group, consisted of selected students from the Theory and Practicum II classes at Oregon State University and were exposed to the career education component. The second, (C₁) control group, was made up of selected students from the Theory and Practicum II. Career education is a concept which, by using the life roles approach, can bridge the traditional gap that has existed between the vocational and academic views of what education should be. 3. The multi-media career education component used with the experimental (E₁) Theory and Practicum II students at Oregon State University produced significantly higher means on the career education instrument than those measured for the control (C₁) students in the same program. 4. The use of the career education component in the Theory and Practicum II program at Oregon State University resulted in the students from the experimental (E₁) group being statistically more compatible with the national sample (C₂) than those students in the control (C₁) group. 5. A non-measurable portion of the measurable growth of the experimental (E₁) Theory and Practicum II students at Oregon State University in the concept of career education was due to the human interaction between instructors and the students. Recommendations 1. A career education component using the concepts developed by this research and the comparative study need to be infused into the Theory and Practicum II program at Oregon State University as well as into teacher education programs nation-wide. program but were not exposed to the career education component. The third, (C₁) control group, was made up of a national sample of experts in career education who had suggested the contents of a cereer education component for Phase I of a teacher education program via a comparative study done at Oregon State University in 1974. This study was conducted using a pretest/post test design and the effects of the component were measured utilizing a career education instrument developed in the comparative study. The pretest/ post test portion of the research (E₁ compared to C₁) was evaluated using the analysis of covariance. Further analysis was done for comparisons among all three groups (E₁, C₁ and C₂) using analysis of variance with L. S. D. tests applied to each item to determine the differences among individual means. Based on this research, as well as a thorough examination of the literature, the following selected implications, conclusions, and recommendations were drawn. Implications 1. Career education is an organizational concept around which all of education can be centered to educate the total person. 2. Career education has the potential to produce a new descriptive term for all of education--"vocademic." Conclusions 1. Career education has not been an integral part of teacher education programs in this nation's colleges and universities. 2. The heart of the career education component should be the human interaction between the instructor and the student. This process more than anything else is what career education is all about. 3. Further studies need to be completed to stay abreast of the changing attitudes toward career education.
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