Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effects of higher cognitive level question wait-time ranges by biology student teachers on student achievement and perception of teacher effectiveness

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  • The purposes of the study were to determine the relationship which existed between higher cognitive level question wait-time range and student achievement, and whether students perceived biology student teachers who used a 1-4 second wait-time range as being either more or less effective than biology student teachers who used a 4-7 second wait-time range. Seventeen student teachers taught a sixty minute instructional unit on the interrelationships of science, society and technology to each of two grade eleven biology classes by using a 1-4 second wait-time range in one class (treatment 1), and a 4-7 second wait-time range in the other class (treatment 2) when asking higher cognitive level questions. Eight of the seventeen student teachers were successful in achieving the criterion wait-time range for at least 70 percent of the higher cognitive level questions asked during each treatment. Four of the eight student teachers used the 1-4 second wait -time, range first, and four used the 4-7 second wait-time range first. The three data collecting instruments included an achievement test on the cognitive objectives of the grade X biology program which served as a covariate measure, an achievement test on the cognitive objectives of the treatment lesson, and a questionnaire aimed at determining student perceptions of student teacher effectiveness in teaching and in asking questions. Fifteen student response sheets having responses to all instruments were randomly selected from each treatment group class. Analysis of covariance., with confirmation by analysis of variance, indicated that treatment group 2 students achieved significantly higher than treatment group 1 students(P <0.001). Hotelling's T² analyses indicated that the treatment groups perceived their student teachers differently (P = .037). Observations made during the investigation suggested that neither mean wait-times nor wait-time ranges are adequate descriptors of teacher question wait-time when used separately, and that both measures should be used in describing research in this area.
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