Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A mechanized harvesting system simulation : input, output, limitations and capabilities

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  • This study concerns the use of a discrete-event simulation model for analyzing the production of a mechanized forest harvest system. The simulation models a field collection data set of a harvester-forwarder system which was previously collected by the Forest Engineering Department of Oregon State University. The computer software consisted of the statistical package Statgraphics and the simulation package Promodel PC. Special emphasis is given to the use of statistical distributions and linear regressions as simulation input data. The simulation model was built in productive machine time. Input quality and output capabilities of the simulation language Promodel PC produced realistic output of weekly predicted production of the system. Also, linear regressions of average yarding distance and unloading time of the forwarder estimated the production of the harvest system. The unloading time regression was used to develop a cost evaluation of the possibility of adding a loader to the harvest system. Group and ungroup" functions of Promodel PC are powerful tools for generating a simulation model of a harvest system. These functions allow an easy programming transition despite the different system products. On the other hand, animation produced more model building difficulties than output benefits. It is advisable for future field studies to be designed in a different manner. Variables should be collected according to the input needs of the simulation model.
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