Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Dosimetry Model for Alpha Emitters in a Radioactive Skin Patch for Treatment of Early-Stage Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers

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  • Nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common malignancy in Caucasian populations. One existing treatment modality for NMSCs is external radiotherapy delivered to the skin cancer tumor by a beta-emitter-containing radioactive skin patch. Alpha emitters, with their higher linear energy transfer than beta particles and shorter range in tissue, make an interesting alternative treatment candidate for early-stage NMSCs. In this work, a dosimetry model is presented for the irradiation of early-stage NMSC tumors by an infinitely thin radioactive skin patch containing 212mPo, a high-energy alpha emitter. The dosimetry model is compared to a Monte Carle N Particle Code (MCNP) simulation in the same geometry. Dose was assessed to three theoretical tumor thicknesses of 50, 100, and 150 μm. The dosimetry model was found to be in good agreement with the MCNP simulation. The dosimetry model calculated the cumulative doses of the three tumor thicknesses to be 86.8 Sv, 59.9 Sv, and 44.7 Sv respectively; MNCP calculated the doses to be 86.4 Sv, 64.0 Sv, and 45.6 Sv. This corresponds to a difference between the two models of about 0.5% for the 50 μm tumor, 6% for the 100 μm tumor, and 2% for the largest of the tumor thicknesses, 150 μm.
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