Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Attitudes toward surrogate mothering theory and measurement

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  • Surrogate motherhood is a very complex issue with many groups having vested interests. In order to measure attitudes specific to surrogacy a 20-item Likert Scale with high reliability was developed through item analysis (N=131, Part-whole correlation range 0.749-0.478). Correlation of surrogacy attitudes was subsequently related to six other instruments: AIDS, F-Scale, Dogmatism Scale, Inward/Outward Directedness, Abortion Scale, and Locus of Control Scale. Significant correlation (p=0.05) was demonstrated with Abortion Scale (0.486, p= 0.001), Dogmatism (-0.253, p= 0.048) and F-Scale (-0.191, p= 0.05). A general authoritarian view leads to negative views towards surrogacy. First a group of college psychology and sociology undergraduates were tested with the surrogacy scale (mean = 66.7, s.d.=11.0). Then the surrogacy scale was given to a group known to disfavor surrogacy, i.e. Roman Catholics familiar with the church's teachings concerning surrogacy. This group demonstrated a more negative view of surrogacy (mean =47.1, s.d.=8.56) and markedly differed from other catholic groups who did not support the church's teachings (t=6.06, df=10, p=0.005). Also the surrogacy instrument was administered to a group known to favor surrogacy, members or former members of a surrogacy support group, i.e. the Surrogate Foundation. This group was shown to have a strongly positive view of surrogacy (mean = 78.63, s.d.=5.46) and differed greatly from Catholics who are familiar with the church's teachings and agreed with the teachings (t=11.1, df=31, p=0.001). Thus the surrogacy scale has demonstrated both high reliability and construct validity and known group validity.
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