Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The solubility of carbon dioxide in waters of low alkalinity

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  • A graphical method, based on a set of acid-base titrations, is presented for the determination of the carbon dioxide speciation in natural solutions. The application of this method, in conjunction with measurements of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide with which our solutions were in equilibrium permitted the calculation of the solubility of carbon dioxide. The results of these calculations in dilute solutions of 1.00 meq/l alkalinity gave a value of 0.070 for the solubility at 25° C. This value is considerably higher than that obtained by Harned and Davis (1943), 0.0345, for solutions of zero alkalinity. Our experimental method, with the conditions used by Harned and Davis, yielded a result which agreed well with theirs. It is concluded that the solubility of carbon dioxide within the alkalinity range found in many fresh waters, is greater than was previously believed. The reason for this higher solubility is not known. It is shown that it cannot be ascribed to a specific cation effect.
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