Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Gross characteristics of Russet Burbank giant hill potatoes and plant types regenerated from tissues and organs

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  • Giant hills may be classified as semi-giant, giant, or super-giant depending on the degree of the variation. All are large, vigorous, profusely flowering plants with characteristically poor tuber shape, although some giant hills may have smooth tubers. Thirteen of the fifteen Russet Burbank giant hill selections grown in Con/all is, Oregon were inferior to normals in tuber shape. Russet Burbank giant hills were characterized for seasonal changes in plant height, flowering, and tuberization. Giant hills tuberized later than normals. Giant hills produced more than twice as many flowers as normals, and continued flowering three times as long. Giant hills were taller than normals from midseason on. Based on growth and flowering characteristics, giant hills were detectable earlier in the season than has been generally acknowledged, generally by 63 days after planting. To investigate the nature of giant hill, plants were regenerated from shoot tips, heat treated meristems, and tuber tissues of cortex, perimedullary, and pith regions of giant hill and normal Russet Burbank tubers in vitro. Regenerated plants were grown in the field and examined for growth characteristics. Results strengthen Howard's hypothesis that giant hill is a chimera arising in the L2 cell layer and later moving to the L3 layer by cell replacement. Further, the intensity of the variation seen in the field may be related to its presence in L2 cells only or both L2 and L3 cells.
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