Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Efficacy of sodium fluoroacetate in reducing ground squirrel damage to alfalfa

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  • Damage by Belding's ground squirrel (Spermophilus beldingi) to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and the efficacies of various poisoning regimes to reduce damage were evaluated during March-July, 1976 and 1977. Regimes examined were designed to measure the effect of 3 variables on damage to alfalfa caused by squirrels including; timing of application, in early or late spring; the number of applications, 1 or 2; and the inclusion of a border strip around the field on which poison baits are also applied. Neither single nor multiple applications of poisoned baits resulted in significant (P > 0.1) control of ground squirrel damage to alfalfa in 1976. However, significant (P < 0.05) reductions of damage were obtained in 1977 with multiple applications and when both the field and a 60 m wide border were treated with poisoned baits. Belding’s ground squirrels caused an average of 46 percent loss of the first harvest of alfalfa in untreated fields. Maximum application of poisoned baits reduced this loss to an average loss of 25 percent. Control of ground squirrel damage achieved between different fields and treatments was highly variable, and was directly related to the number of times poison was applied and whether or not a border strip was treated.
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