Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Residential peer pressure on male freshmen to participate in organized intramural sports at Oregon State University

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  • Statement of the Problem: The focal point of student activity centers around a student's residential affiliation. Therefore, a student's residence should be considered as a vital area for continued research. There have been a number of studies directly related to a student population, some focusing on activities and some on the effects of his living group. But, the current literature directed toward the effect one has on the other is almost non-existent. This investigation was undertaken to ascertain the effect of residential peer pressure on male freshmen students at Oregon State University to participate in organized intramural sports. Procedure: A three-part data gathering instrument was developed to elicit student responses relative to perceived residential peer pressure and extent of organized intramural participation. Reliability was determined by using the test-retest method. Responses of 283 Oregon State University male freshmen students, selected at random from official records, were subjected to non-parametric statistical analysis. The chi square, one-way analysis of variance and point-biserial correlations were used for data analysis. Student responses were designed to determine significant differences between fraternity and residence hall male freshmen. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study and to the extent the sample population is representative of the freshmen at Oregon State University, the following conclusions have been derived from the results of the research. 1. Significant differences were obtained between fraternity and residence hall members related to perceived peer group pressure to take part in additional extra-curricular activities and to participate in organized intramural sports. 2. Significant differences existed between freshman participation in team sports when compared to participation in individual sports. 3. Intramural group membership is considered a desirable and valuable experience for both residence hall and fraternity members. 4. Significant differences resulted between perceived opinion of residence hall or fraternity member's peer group attitude toward intramurals. It is concluded, therefore, that the fraternity because of its social nature, places more value on organized intramural sports than does the residence halls. 5. No significant correlation resulted between previous high school sports participation and participation in organized intramural sports at Oregon State University. 6. Freshman fraternity members participated in organized intramural team sports at a significantly higher mean score value than residence hall members. 7. Competitive team sports and unorganized physical activity can be considered the core of the intramural-recreational program for male undergraduates at Oregon State University. Little interest was expressed for organized intramural individual sports. 8. Class work showed very high percentages for students not participating in sports activities as much as they would like to. 9. The point-biserial correlation showed no significant relationship between perceived peer pressure and participation in organized intramural sports.
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