Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Prediction of meat quality characteristics using a two-factor quadratic central composite rotatable design with response surface analysis

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  • The objectives were to investigate the ability of a two-factor central composite rotatable design (CCRD), using cooking temperature (CT) and endpoint temperature (ET) as independent variables, to predict selected chemical, physical and sensory meat quality characteristics considered important by the industry, researcher and consumer alike. Response surface analysis (RSA) was used simultaneously to evaluate the nature of the responses obtained, with 13 CT-ET combinations for the various species being evaluated. A contour plot-response surface graphics program ("SURCON") was developed at Oregon State University during this research and applied to the evaluation of the data. Evaluation of the nature of the response surfaces formed a major part of the thesis. Fresh pork loin roasts, frozen lamb loin roasts, turkey halves (breast and thigh meat), and control (conventionally processed) and treated (prerigor, pressurized) semitendinous beef blocks were used for heat treatments. For pork, the dependent variables of heating rate (°C/min); evaporation loss (%); cooking time (min); total moisture (%); total nitrogen and "remaining" protein fraction (dry weight basis); chromaticity coordinate, z; and sensory panel juiciness, were significant and the CCRD was successful. For lamb, the dependent variables of heating rates (°C/g; °C/min); total cooking, drip and evaporation loss (%); cooking time (min); total moisture (%); expressible moisture index; total nitrogen (wet weight basis); chromaticity coordinate, x and z; saturation index and sensory panel doneness and color were significant. For turkeys, the dependent variables of heating rates (°C/g, °C/min, °C/g/min), total cooking and evaporation loss (%), cooking time (min), total nitrogen, low ionic strength and "remaining" protein fraction (dry weight basis) and non-protein nitrogen extract (wet weight basis), and sensory panel thigh juiciness were significant and the CCRD was successful in its ability to predict significant dependent variables. The CCRD and RSA of pre-rigor pressurized beef beef were affected differently by CT-ET combinations than control processed beef.
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