Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Simplified stability assessment for low volume road cut and fill slopes

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  • Many miles of roads are built in the Pacific Northwest Forests to provide access for logging and fire protection. Logging roads often cross steep mountainous terrain. Logging roads and the associated cut and fill slopes represent a discontinuity in the natural stress state in the soil mantle. These conditions result in a greater incidence of slope failures associated with logging roads than with natural slopes. Simple numeric methods were adapted to assess the stability of logging roads to aid in the evaluation of alternate road alignments during preliminary road design. The method of stability assessment consists of a numeric description of a chart solution for slope stability analysis. The chart solution addresses ground water conditions in a slope using the pore pressure ratio (r[subscript u]). An empirical determination of the relationship between r[subscript u] and ground water level within a slope was made for specific cases. Literature relating to forest hillslope ground water conditions forested hillslopes with a soil mantle overlying impervious bedrock. The simple ground water model identifies general relationships between topography, precipitation events, and subsurface conditions. was reviewed and a simple ground water model was developed for forested hillslopes with a soil mantle overlying impervious bedrock. The simple ground water model identifies general relationships between topography, precipitation events, and subsurface conditions.
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