Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Attitudes toward and achievement in science of secondary students in Kasetsart Demonstration School, Bangkok, Thailand

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  • The purposes of this study were to develop a valid and reliable attitudes toward science instrument in the Thai language and determine the differences in attitudes toward science and achievement in physical and biological science of Thai boys and girls in lower secondary education. The population consisted of 709 students, 374 boys and 335 girls, in grades 7, 8, and 9 at the Kasetsart Demonstration School, Bangkok, Thailand. The Attitudes Toward Science Test, a four-point Likert type scale was developed and validated in Thailand. The reliability coefficient was 0.95. Two-way analysis of variance, with sex and grade level as the independent variables, was used to analyze the Attitudes Toward Science Test scores. One-way analysis of variance was utilized to analyze achievement test scores in physical and biological science. The 0.05 level was used to determine the significance of the results. The findings revealed the following: (1) There were significant differences in attitudes toward science between boys and girls with boys having more positive attitudes toward science; (2) No significant differences in attitudes toward science were found among grade levels; (3) A significant interaction effect on attitudes toward science was found between sex and grade levels; (4) No significant differences in physical science achievement between boys and girls were found in grades 7 and 8, but there was a significant difference in grade 9, with boys scoring significantly higher; and (5) A significant difference in biological science achievement between boys and girls was found in grade 7 with girls scoring significantly higher, but no significant difference was found in grade 9. The following conclusions were drawn with regard to the students in lower secondary education at the Kasetsart Demonstration School: (1) Students in all grades (grades 7, 8, and 9) demonstrated positive attitudes toward science; (2) Overall, boys had more positive attitudes toward science than girls; (3) Grade level needed to be considered to determine whether boys or girls had more positive attitudes toward science; (4) Girls' attitudes declined, and boys' attitudes improved when grade level increased; and (5) The differential in achievement between boys and girls increased in physical science and decreased in biological science as grade level advanced.
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