Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Inner Bark Utilization : A Nez Perce Example

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  • Ponderosa pine trees exhibiting large oval scars on their trunks are found in northeastern Oregon. Patterns in the occurrence and morphology of the scarred trunks raise questions of archeological interest. Examination of ethnographic sources from the Pacific Northwest indicate that the bark of ponderosa pine was peeled to obtain the inner bark layer for a food resource. Other possible motives for bark removal and inner bark collection include using it for medicinal purposes and working it into various manufactured items. Non-culturally related activities that could be attributed to bark damage are also discussed. Sixty-five disfigured ponderosa pines displaying seventy-two scars are analyzed. Data from a dendrochronological analysis of sixteen of the scarified trees indicate that their trunks may have been peeled during the last half of the nineteenth century. Historical evidence indicates that the western branch of the Nez Perce, specifica11y the Isawisnemepu, Inantoinu, and the Imnaha bands, were responsible for scarring the trees in the sample area. Based on scar dates, available literature, scar morphology, occurrence, and the dissimilarity of the scars to non-culturally produced bark damage, it is concluded that the scarred trees are important cultural resources reflecting patterns of inner bark utilization. Examination of Nez Perce ethnographic and historic sources suggests that the sample area of Thomason Meadow is a site that was heavily harvested for its plant and animal resources. It may have been the central gathering place for the western branch of the Nez Perce, grouping for their trek to Lapwai and the upper Clearwater River in 1877.
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