Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Biology of the two external Acarapis species of honey bees : Acarapis dorsalis Morgenthaler and Acarapis externus Morgenthaler (Acari: Tarsonemidae)

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  • The biology of the two external Acarapis mites of honey bees, Acarapis dorsalis Morgenthaler and Acarapis externus Morgenthaler was studied. It was observed that both Acarapis species have similar developmental period (8-9 days) with males emerging earlier than females. Mite load and infestation rate of A. dorsalis decreased as bees become older. A. externus remained high on bees up to 35 days old. This observation may indicate that A. dorsalis prefers younger bees while A. externus seems to maintain its population on older bees. In nucleus colonies deliberately exposed to known populations of both external Acarapis species, infestation by A. dorsalis appears to be more rapid than A. externus. Introduction of 500 A. dorsalis established the highest rate of infestation (17.10%) in a relatively short period of time, i.e., 9-12 weeks. The highest infestations of A. dorsalis were during the spring months (March to June) and in mid-late summer (August and September) with the lowest infestation rates in January and July. For A. externus, mite population was highest in the fall (October and November). The lowest infestation was recorded in July. The average female:male ratios observed were 1.9:1 for A. dorsalis and 2.07:1 for A. externus. No relationship between nectar flow and percent mite infestation was established.
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