Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Challenges and procedures relative to food safety in school foodservice

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  • The purpose of this two phased study was to determine the challenges to implementing food safety and hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) in school foodservice and the adherence to food safety procedures in 15 schools. In phase one, food safety and HACCP procedures were studied utilizing a focus group and a national mailing of a three part survey instrument to school foodservice directors. The instrument examined the challenges and attitudes of directors toward the use of HACCP programs and food safety practices in their operations. Phase two examined the food safety procedures used in school kitchens. The researcher and two trained observers audited 15 middle school kitchens using an audit form developed by the researcher. Practices audited included temperature monitoring, personal hygiene, cold storage procedures, cleanliness of facility and other observable food safety practices. The survey yielded a response rate of 58% and the challenge and attitude statements were tested for reliability and analyzed using factor analysis and multiple regression. The responses indicated that the school foodservice directors did not perceive the same challenges to food safety as those revealed by the focus group participants. In general, the directors were positive about the use of HACCP programs and food safety practices. However, they did perceive the time and money necessary to maintain these programs to be a challenge. Results from the food safety audits revealed that food safety practices could be improved among the audited operations. Poor food safety practices were observed in the areas of hand washing, temperature monitoring, hair restraints, and sanitizing of equipment. This study suggests that school foodservice directors need to be committed to food safety programs if they are to be effective. Directors need to continually train and monitor employees and maintain a positive attitude about the necessity of food safety in order to assure safe food handling practices.
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