Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Clothing evaluative critieria : a cross-national comparison of Taiwanese and United States consumers

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  • According to Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard (1993), evaluative criteria refer to "the standards and specifications used by consumers to compare different products and brands" (p. 51). Many studies have examined the importance of clothing evaluative criteria used by consumers in their decision making. However, few studies have compared the clothing evaluative criteria used by consumers in different countries. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to compare the influence of culture on the importance placed on clothing evaluative criteria between Taiwanese and United States college women. Self-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. Seven-point scales were used to measure the importance of 12 clothing criteria: fabric, comfortable to wear, size/fit, quality, country of origin, color, pleasing to others, suitability, price, style, and coordination. The questionnaire also measured respondent's demographic characteristics. The questionnaire was first developed in English, translated into Chinese, and then back-translated into English. Questionnaires were handed out in classes at Oregon State University in the United States and at Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan. A convenience sample of 233 female students received questionnaires (102 U.S. and 131 Taiwanese). Overall, 119 Taiwanese and 84 U.S. college women, who were qualified and completed the questionnaires, served as subjects. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using t-tests. The findings indicated that the importance placed on clothing evaluative criteria was partially influenced by the nationality of the respondents. No significant differences were found between the two groups in the importance of style, coordination, color, fabric, price, pleasing to others, and brand name (p>.05). However, significant differences were found between the two groups in the importance of comfortable to wear, size/fit, quality, country of origin, and suitability (p<.05). Despite the significant differences found for these evaluative criteria, the mean importance scores were very similar between the two groups. Based upon mean importance scores, the evaluative criterion, size/fit (mean: U.S.=6.69, Taiwan=6.29) was the most important criterion for both groups. Based on the results from this study, consumer decision making of U.S. and Taiwanese college females may be very similar for purchasing apparel. International marketers and retailers may use cross-national comparison studies related to Taiwan market that deal with the consumer decision process such as the present study for their international marketing strategies.
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