Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An investigation of slumping behavior in cold-phase fluidized bed

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  • The objective of this research project was to investigate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the behavior of materials in partially slumped fluidized beds. View windows along the side of the experiment facility made visual observations of bed profiles possible. These observations were recorded on movie films showing the effects of variations in slumping length, bed depth and fluidizing velocity. Quantitative experiments were also carried out under different sets of experimental conditions with pressure drops across the bed being recorded. Dimensional analysis then correlates the pressure drops, to Reynolds number, Froude number, the slumping ratio of bed depth and particle size. Plots were constructed to show the trend of variation in the pressure drop versus that of Reynolds number and logarithm of Froude number, respectively, holding the slumping ratio and the ratio of bed depth to particle size constant. Statistical regression techniques were employed to develop two mathematical models that provide quantitative predictions of the pressure distribution in a slumped fluidized bed. The results showed formation of ridges when the bed was slumped; movement of the position of the ridge and also changes in its height. No difficulty was encountered when the slumped region was refluidized if the bed is originally fluidized under bubbling conditions. Two mathematical models were proposed and were checked with the data obtained in the experiments. It was shown that these models were statistically acceptable however, an error test showed that improvements are needed on these models. An example showing the application of the mathematical model and a general scheme describing whether the slumped region can be refluidized are included.
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