Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Growth and forage quality of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea schreb.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as affected by mefluidide

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  • Field study with 5 tall fescue genotypes treated at the vegetative growth stage, with 0, 0.28, 0.56, and 0.84 kg/ha of mefluidide was initiated in July, 1980. The regrowth of these plants were again treated at the booting growth stage in April, 1981, with the same rates of mefluidide as in the first experiment. In addition, three rates of mefluidide (0, 0.28, and 0.56 kg/ha) were applied at the floral initiation stage of perennial ryegrass cv. Linn in March, 1981. Four varieties of tall fescue were transplanted from the field into 6-inch pots in February, 1981, and grown under 50/60°F and 70/80°F night/day temperature regimes in growth chambers. Mefluidide at the rate of 0, 0.28, and 0.56 kg/ha were applied at the pre-floral or at floral initiation growth stage. The same varieties were again transplanted from the field into 6-inch pots in April, 1981, and grown under the same temperature regimes and treated at pre-booting or at booting growth stage with the same rate of mefluidide as those in the first growth chamber experiment. Mefluidide interacted with tall fescue genotypes and also resulted in a reduction in dry matter yield, ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) and increased CP (Crude Protein) content in both tall fescue trials in the field. The WSC (Water Soluble Carbohydrate) concentration was reduced by mefluidide applied at the vegetative growth stage in the first experiment, but it was increased at the booting growth stage application of mefludide on regrowth of these plants. Late applications of mefluidide did maintain forage quality of tall fescue with some elimination of dry matter yield reduction caused by earlier application. In perennial ryegrass cv. Linn, mefluidide reduced stem dry matter production, but did not affect leaf dry matter yield. This was accompanied by high leaf/stem ratios and retardation of plant height. Fertile tiller production was inhibited, accompanied by reduction in ADF, increased stem CP and increased WSC of leaf and stem tissue. Under the 70/80°F night/day temperature regime, all varieties produced a higher dry matter yield than plants under a 50/60°F night/ day temperature regime. However, WSC content of leaf and stem were higher in the low temperature regime. There were indications that mefluidide reduced ADF and WSC content of leaf and stem tissues, but increased leaf and stem CP under both temperature regimes in both experiments. This was accompanied by high leaf/stem ratios of treated plants.
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