Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Investigation of the dimensional stability of an ultra-thin film gas/liquid contactor

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  • The use of a permeable membrane to mechanically constrain a film of water with an area of 12 cm² and a thickness of 150 μm in a gas/liquid contactor was investigated. The membrane separated the vapor and liquid phases, and a stiffener plate made from a gas-permeable material was used to support the membrane. A design evaluation for the stiffener plate was conducted using finite-element modeling. A film thickness measurement system was developed that utilized a laser triangulation sensor mounted on a pair of motorized stages. The laser imaged both the membrane and a series of NiCr-coated regions on the liquid side of a quartz viewing window, with the difference between adjacent distance readings to the two surfaces constituting a measurement of the local film thickness. Refraction effects were corrected for using both an analytical and an empirical method. The film was approximately uniform in thickness at room temperature, but thickened by 30 to 50 percent at the downstream end when the device was operated near 70 °C. The film became unstable at low pressure differentials across the membrane.
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