Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Landslide occurrence in the Blue River Drainage, Oregon

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  • Rapid, shallow soil mass movements (landslides) are examined for a 6,000 ha managed forest area in the Oregon Western Cascades. Analysis of landslide occurrence considers the physical characteristics and frequency, the influence of clearcutting and road construction, and some resource impacts. Nonparametric statistical methods are employed to test the significance of the observed variations in landslide characteristics. Landslide size and site characteristics appear highly consistent. Fifty-five to eighty percent of all landslide length, width, depth, area, and volume measurements fall within the lower 15% of their respective dimension ranges. Landslides occur most frequently at slope angles of 300 - L00, in northern aspects (NW - NNE), and in smooth slope locations. Landslide occurrence does not vary significantly (c(= 0.05) with relative hillslope position. Clearcutting and road construction appear to strongly affect landslide frequency and location. Landslides occur 2k and 253 times more frequently (relative to forest rate) in clearcut and road areas, respectively. Significant variation in landslide geomorphic setting with land use suggests that clearcutting and road construction may increase the landslide susceptibility of hillslope nose and hollow locations. They do not influence landslide size, slope angle, slope aspect, or hillslope position. Resource impacts from landslides are varied. Although on-site disruption is generally substantial, total ground area affected by landslides is small (approximately 0.5%). Roads stand out as an important resource consideration because landslide frequency and the number of stream entries by landslides are significantly higher for road-related failures. Road location, drainage, and fill slope construction methods are the probable causes of this accelerated landslide activity.
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  • Master files scanned at 600 ppi (256 Grayscale) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9080C in TIF format. PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (256 B&W), using Capture Perfect 3.0, on a Canon DR-9080C. CVista PdfCompressor 3.1 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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