Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Vine morphology and influence of shading on yield, fruit quality, and flower bud initiation in hardy kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta)

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  • Morphology of Actinidia arguta (Sieb. et Zucc) Miq. 'Ananasnaya' vines was studied at two sites in Oregon in 1998 and one site in 1999. Three-year-old vines at site 1 and 8-year-old vines at site 2 were observed. Five types of fruiting wood were studied: spur; one-year-old from the cordon, from two-year-old, or from three-year-old; and one-year-old which grew as a result of summer pruning of last year's growth. Wood type had no effect on percent fruitful shoots, or fruit or clusters/cm of cane. The most productive part of the cane was generally from nodes 5 to 20, and 5 to 40 at sites 1 and 2, respectively. In 1999, bud break was 47% (2,085 nodes/vine). After bud break, 85% of shoots grew past 15 cm and 83% of these were fruitful. The most productive flowering zone on shoots was from nodes 6 to 12. Vines produced an average of 9,367 flowers with a percent fruit set of 74. Average yield was 51 kg/vine of which 85% reached marketable size. The average marketable fruit weight was 7.3 g, with 151 seeds/fruit. The relationship between seed number/fruit and fruit fresh weight was linear. A shading experiment was conducted at site 1 in 1998 and 1999. Vines were covered with 55% shade cloth from July 14 to Aug 14, July 14 to Sept 10, and Sept 10 to Nov 16, 1998. Control vines were not shaded. Fruit fresh and dry weight development followed a double sigmoidal growth pattern in all treatments. Shading had no effect on yieldlvine or fruit fresh weight, length, diameter, or °Brix in 1998. Shading from July 14 to Sept 10 reduced fruit dry weight. Shading in 1998 did not affect bud number/vine, percent bud break, and shoot and fruitful shoot number/vine in 1999. Percent fruit set averaged 72% and was not affected by treatment. Shading in 1998 did not affect fruit fresh and dry weight, length, diameter, seed number, or °Brix of marketable fruit in 1999. Results show that shading, especially during the period two months prior to harvest, reduced flower bud initiation for the next year's crop.
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