Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The design of a photoelastic load cell

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  • This work shows how a new design in a load cell can be built using the principles of photoelasticity. From photoelasticity one knows that fringes denoting the stress pattern can be observed in a plastic model viewed in a polariscope. Through knowledge of the properties of the material one can determine the load necessary to produce a certain fringe. Two photocells can be used to measure the change in the fringe order. One photocell is used as a reference while the other photocell observes the changing light intensity, coming through a miniature polariscope, caused by the stress pattern. This difference in light intensity can be displayed on a meter which is calibrated to give a reading of the applied load. The stress optic constant varies for the different photoelastic materials giving the load cell several ranges of loading. Also, model size may be varied, giving additional selectivity in the range of loading while keeping the accuracy high. Load ranges may range from 0-2.7 ounces to 0-430 pounds. The load cell is easily calibrated by using dead weights. It is felt that this study has met the need of finding a low cost method of measuring small loads with relatively high accuracy.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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