Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

[9,10-methylene-¹⁴C] sterculic acid metabolism in the rat : urinary metabolites, liver tissue distribution, and induced [omega]-hydroxylase activity

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  • Corn oil (CO) and Sterculic foetida oil (SFO) fed rats were injected with [9, 10-methylene-¹⁴C]sterculic acid. Less than 1% of the label was expired as carbon dioxide. The majority of the label was excreted in the urine as short-chain dicarboxylic acids with an intact cyclopropane ring. The major metabolites for both CO and SFO fed rats were cis-3, 4-methylene adipic acid and cis-3, 4- methylene suberic acid. Sterculic acid must undergo β- and [Greek w]-oxidation to form these urinary metabolites, α-oxidation played a minor role in the formation of cis- and trans-3, 4-methylene pimelic acid. Rats on the SFO diet could metabolize sterculic acid faster than fats on the CO diet. However, both CO and SFO fed rats produced the same urinary metabolites. CO fed rats incorporated more label from sterculic acid into protein and acid soluble liver fractions than SFO fed rats. Less than 0.01% of the label from either group was found in liver lipid sterol or glycerol fractions. There was a tendency for SFO fed rats to metabolize n-[1-¹⁴C] octadecane faster than CO fed rats. This suggests that sterculic acid may induce [Greek w]-hydroxylation of n-octadecane.
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